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"Nature, Light" - Unlimited Life
Date 2012
Public Art
希望藉由作品本身與觀賞者直接對話。運用作品自身的特性與其蘊含的能量,在當下的環境與時間點,能夠與觀賞者作最直接最真實的溝通與連結。 法鼓山生命園區藝術品。
This work uses cracks, soil, and light as elements to meet the present, and it is unpredictable; a soil wall that breathes and has a sense of history, showing different styles over time. Respond to the surrounding environment. And respect for the ecological environment (natural, human).
I hope to have a direct dialogue with the viewer through the work itself. Using the characteristics of the work and the energy it contains, in the current environment and time, the most direct and true communication and connection with the viewer. Fagushan Life Park art.
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